New Product: Ginksentrol, a High Dose Ginko + Ginseng Supplement to Further Align NEUROmergence with D+Q Pathways
Senolytic treatments like D+Q (Dasatinib and Quercetin) are on the cutting edge of anti-aging research. Studies have shown that this treatment demonstrates promising results in reducing neuropathy symptoms associated with long-COVID-19 infections, reducing brain aging, slowing the progression of dementia, and even reversing Down Syndrome cells (in vitro).
NEUROmergence® was developed as a mimetic to D+Q. Using a formulation of natural compounds known to inhibit the same pathways, this breakthrough smart supplement has been praised as an effective, and safer alternative. Now, utilizing Western blotting for further analysis, MDS Labs has formulated two novel supplements to further align NEUROmergence to D+Q.
The first one is a highly concentrated form of Alpinia Katsumadai, standardized to contain 20% Alpinetin. This was created to support Cyclin D1 regulation and inhibition.
Now, MDS Labs® has released Ginksentol, a 1400mg, highly bioavailable form of Ginko and Ginseng, in order to promote regulation / inhibition of EphA2 receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK). It has been standardized to contain a minimum 7% of Ginsenosides, and 24% Flavones.
Studies suggest Ginko supports the Regulation and Inhibition of EphA2 (Ephrin type-A receptor2) receptor tyrosine kinase. Senolytic treatments like Dasatinib + Quercetin (D+Q) have also demonstrated the ability to inhibit EphA2. To further align NEUROmergence® to D+Q, it is suggested that Ginksentol be combined with NEUROmergence for maximum mimetic potential. NOTE: Do not combine Ginksentrol with Dasatinib, as this may cause an adverse reaction.
Combining Ginko and Ginseng is also a great way to improve memory and cognition. They are also known to be very powerful antioxidants, containing numerous flavonoids and terpenoids that promote blood flow in the body and brain.
Ginksentol 1400mg is now available in 60 capsule bottles, for $28.50 (free shipping).